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Design & Build

From design to commissioning, all the necessary skills are available to ensure the flawless execution of any environmental project, anywhere in the world.

SAB Miller Jinja Uganda
SAB Miller Jinja Uganda

Turn-key and peace-of-mind solutions:

In need of a wastewater treatment or anything to do with water? Our teams provide the complete management of all stages of the plant construction offering turn-key and peace-of-mind solutions:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Technology selection
  • Process and mechanical design
  • Basic and detailed engineering
  • Procurement
  • Site supervision
  • General contracting
  • Construction
  • Electricity & Automation
  • Start-up & Commissioning
  • Training

Other Waterleau Services

Operation & Optimization

Operation & Optimization
Relying on specialist expertise for maximal efficiency
Skids & pumps

Consumables & Chemicals

Consumables & Chemicals
Providing essential assets to maintain productivity

Mobile solutions: WaterleauBox®

Mobile solutions: WaterleauBox®
Compact and modular Water Technology

Find your local contact

Our expertise is always within reach. Digital communication has cut long distances short, but we advocate the traditional way of sharing insights.

Contact us today. We are looking forward to help you reach your sustainable development goals.