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Water reclamation and recovery

Reclaiming water from wastewater

What is water reclamation?

Wastewater reclamation, also known as wastewater reuse, water reuse, water recycling or water recovery is the process of converting municipal wastewater (sewage) or industrial wastewater into water that can be reused for a variety of purposes. This process involves several treatment steps, including physical, chemical, and biological treatments. Types of reuse include urban reuse, agricultural reuse (irrigation), environmental reuse, industrial reuse, planned potable reuse, and de facto wastewater reuse.

The importance of water recovery: Every drop counts

With growing population and climate change, water becomes a valuable resource. Treated sewage can be reclaimed to restore aquifers or as irrigation water where water is scarce.

By reusing treated wastewater, production facilities can increase water efficiency and cut back on tap-water dependency. When recovering biogas, water and even nutrients, wastewater treatment plants can be turned into water resource factories.

Water reclamation systems

Water reclamation systems are advanced treatment processes designed to purify wastewater so it can be reused for various purposes. These technologies play a crucial role in sustainable water management by treating and recycling water that would otherwise be discharged into the environment.

Water reclamation facility
Water reclamation facility

Membrane Bio Reactor

LUCAS® Submerged MBR and LUCAS® Crossflow MBR are our proprietary membrane bio-reactor (MBR) wastewater treatment technologies for municipal and industrial wastewater allowing the filtrate to be ready for reuse. To obtain safe potable drinking water quality, LUCAS® MBR technology can be integrated in a membrane AQUALITY® Reverse Osmosis solution.

Water recovery facility
Water recovery facility

Membrane filtration

Where the treatment process design does not include MBR technology, the combination of AQUALITY® ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis will guarantee process or drinking water from industrial bio-effluent, treated in a conventional wastewater treatment process.

Municipal wastewater treatment facility in Fez
Municipal wastewater treatment facility in Fez

Non-membrane effluent polishing

Even without implementing MBR or membrane technology, tertiary treatment and effluent polishing allow treated municipal waste water to restore groundwater level, for reuse in agriculture, or for further treatment into safe drinking water.

We design cradle-to-gate conventional quality water production facilities with process steps including abstraction, iron removal, softening, filtering, ion exchange, activated carbon to disinfection: all steps needed for the production of quality drinking water or to restore groundwater level and for reuse in agriculture.

Want to know more about water recovery?

Frequently asked questions

What is reclaimed water?

Is reclaimed water safe?

Can water recovery reduce the cost for your industry?

What is water recovery and its importance?

What are the benefits of Water Recovery Systems in Industrial operations

How does Waterleau's technology advance water recovery efforts?

Is reused wastewater safe?

Addressing climate change with water recovery technologies

Waterleau's water reclamation facilities and cases

water counter

Water Recovery at Belgium's largest retailer

Colruyt Group
Water Recovery at Belgium's largest retailer

A capex-free upgrade for Martens Brewery

A capex-free upgrade for Martens Brewery

A new treatment strategy materialized in an out-of-the-box approach and a long-term partnership.

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