The Art of Sustainable Brewing: How Waterleau's LUCAS® System Revolutionized Brassivoire's Wastewater Management
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
5.100 kg COD/d
Max 1.750 Nm³/d

In an era where every drop counts, optimizing water usage has never been more crucial, particularly for industries like brewing that rely heavily on this precious natural resource. This pressing need for sustainable water management is keenly felt in Côte d'Ivoire, where Heineken and CFAO inaugurated Brassivoire, their state-of-the-art brewery. Here, we delve into how Waterleau partnered with Brassivoire to bring smart, tailored water solutions that not only meet regulatory requirements but also contribute to sustainable brewing.

Brassivoire: A Milestone for Sustainable Brewing in Africa
Situated in the Anyama Industrial Zone, north of Abidjan—Côte d'Ivoire's economic capital—Brassivoire's 1.6 million hectoliter brewery was officially opened in April 2017. Notably, this brewery employs the use of rice in addition to malted barley for brewing its popular "Ivoire" beer, necessitating unique wastewater treatment requirements. But how do you efficiently manage wastewater while minimizing environmental impact?
The Perfect Match: Waterleau and Heineken
Waterleau was contracted to engineer and build Brassivoire's wastewater treatment plant, extending a long-standing partnership that includes more than 40 water and wastewater treatment plants for Heineken alone. Leveraging close to 100 treatment plants built on the African continent, Waterleau brought its specialized, holistic approach to meet Brassivoire’s unique needs.
Unveiling the LUCAS® Plug&Play Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Process
Understanding the tight construction deadlines and the unique challenges of Brassivoire, Waterleau implemented its fast-track LUCAS® Plug&Play design. The system is almost entirely built of glass-coated steel tanks and includes steps for pre-treatment, anaerobic treatment using Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bio-reactors (UASB), and final flash aeration before discharging the treated effluent directly into the river.
- Compliance with Limitations for Sewer Discharge: Brassivoire now operates within all regulatory frameworks.
- Compact Design and Timely Construction: The LUCAS® system’s plug-and-play feature ensured quick installation.
- Biogas Production: The anaerobic treatment allows for the production of 1,750 Nm³ of methane.
- Odor Management: All reactors are covered to capture and treat any foul air, enhancing operational comfort.
More Than Just Treatment: Energy Recovery
One of the most groundbreaking features of the LUCAS® system is the anaerobic treatment that allows the production of biogas. This biogas is then recovered and used to fuel the brewery's boilers, offsetting the consumption of natural gas and diesel fuel. Waterleau's BELGAS® biological desulfurization unit further scrubs the biogas before it's piped to the boilers.
Conclusion: A Partnership for the Future
The alliance between Waterleau and Brassivoire serves as a beacon for sustainable industrial operations. By taking a holistic approach and utilizing cutting-edge technologies like the LUCAS® system, Waterleau helps its partners from A to Z and secures their future. This case underlines Waterleau’s commitment to crafting smart water solutions tailored to your needs. It’s more than just a business model; it’s a global contribution to protecting our most precious natural resource: water. Because every drop counts.
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