Dakhla: city in evolution
Treating wastewater and taking advantage of the sun for sludge drying.
Dakhla, Morocco
Treated wastewater: 10.158 m³/day
Population equivalent: 150.000

Reclaiming water from wastewater
Dakhla is located about 550 km south of El Aaiún on a narrow peninsula of the Atlantic Coast. The city is known for its fishing industry and tourism. The popular holiday resort’s increasing sewage treatment is a priority to preserve the sanitary conditions for its 150.000 population and to feed the aquifers with unpolluted water.

state-of-the-art technology, integrated solution
The BIOTIM® municipal waste water treatment plant design features two separate parallel units for biological treatment, clarification and sludge dewatering.
The treated wastewater is reused for irrigation of the surrounding green areas. The new Waterleau project includes the co-operation and maintenance for a period of two years.
Solar sludge drying
A sustainable solution has been implemented for dewatering the excess sludge. As in Marrakech, thermal heat is used for sludge drying. The sludge is stirred by robots in large greenhouses taking advantage of the sun for increasing dry matter and reducing sludge volume. The HYDROGONE® greenhouse sludge drying is the most sustainable solution for treating sludge in regions where the sun is abundant.
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Advanced LUCAS® TS for treating Taif ISTP wastewater
The Waterleau proprietary LUCAS® TS aerobic is being implemented into the Taif Independent Sewage Treatment Plant.
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