Bouskoura: sustainable urban development
Integrating a compact wastewater treatment into a new green city.
Bouskoura, Morocco
Treated wastewater: 8.000 m³/day
Population equivalent: 50.000

A piece of heaven on the outskirts of Casablanca

Limiting the footprint in a residential area
For the construction of the Bouskoura wastewater treatment facility, a compact solution, with limited visual impact and footprint, was needed to blend with the green urban design.
The LUCAS® WWTP integrates harmoniously with the high-class housing concept. It features an integrated odor treatment and hence achieves a zero-nuisance design. The treated effluent is being reused for irrigation of the golf courses of the green city. Waterleau is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the WWTP.
Other cases

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Doubling capacity to meet the demands of a growing population.

Wastewater treatment in the vegetable processing industry
Food processors joined forces and created a special purpose vehicle for the collection and the treatment of the joint wastewater.

Advanced LUCAS® TS for treating Taif ISTP wastewater
The Waterleau proprietary LUCAS® TS aerobic is being implemented into the Taif Independent Sewage Treatment Plant.
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