Protecting the environment in Fez
The Sebou river is the main water source for millions of people but also one of the most polluted rivers in Morocco. The Fez municipal wastewater treatment plant returns safe discharge water into the river bed.
LUCAS® activated sludge wastewater treatment
BIOTIM® Sludge Digestion
Operations & Maintenance
Fez Morocco
Treated wastewater: 130.000 m³/day
Population equivalent: 1.300.000
Biogas production: 28.800 m³/day
Energy production: 2.75 MWe
CO2 reduction: 103.000 tons CO2/year

Improving sanitary conditions in Morocco's third city.
With 1.3 million inhabitants, Fez is Morocco’s third largest city. Until 2013, the city’s sewage collection system discharged more than 38 million m³ of untreated water into the Wadi Sebou, accounting for an estimated 40% of the river’s total pollution, jeopardizing irrigation and drinking water resources for millions of people.

Biogas production from water treatment
As in Marrakech, the Fez WWTP process design is an activated sludge or biological water treatment design. The plant treats both the city’s sewage and the sludge, by-product of the wastewater treatment process.
The water treatment technology train consists of a primary treatment (screening, sand and grit removal, primary settling), and a biological treatment (aeration, secondary settling). The sludge treatment process consists of sludge thickening and sludge digestion. Once digested, the remaining sludge is further dewatered in filter presses and ready for disposal. A cogeneration unit provides both the heat and the green power for operating the plant.
Up to 70% of the plant energy needs is recovered from sludge digestion.
Reduction of greenhouse gases
The design allows for the reduction of the carbon footprint and greenhouse gas (GHG) by recovering 28.800 m³ of methane per day, used for the production of 22 million KWh/year, the equivalent of 70% of the plant's energy needs. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is estimated at 103.000 tons CO2 per year.
Download our e-Book on aerobic treatment now!
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