Municipal drinking water production
Providing safe drinking water from any source, anywhere

Improving sanitary conditions for large communities
Climate change and population growth have dramatically impacted the availability of safe potable water. Our drinking water solutions make it possible to produce safe drinking water for large communities, even in dry regions. We offer both conventional physical-chemical solutions as well as membrane-based solutions for the production of drinking water.
In the industry, our membrane technologies make it possible to produce WHO compliant drinking water from groundwater as well as from bio-effluent.

Conventional drinking water production for municipalities
The AQUALITY® conventional drinking water technology offers a reliable and robust solution for the production of large quantities of safe drinking water. Its basic design contains cascade aeration, coagulation, flocculation, lamella decanting as well as sand filtration.
An optional polishing treatment can provide a tailor-made and safe drinking water. AQUALITY® integrates all these steps into one compact structure, limiting footprint and costs.

Membrane drinking water production
Our AQUALITY® UF and HRRO water production solutions make use of advanced membrane technology, enabling the production of safe drinking water or process water from any source:
- Brackish water
- Seawater
- Ground and surface water
- Bio-effluent
Emergency drinking water production
Our drinking water technology can be integrated into modular and containerized water units for the production of safe water in disaster-struck communities. The plug& play emergency solution can be deployed and be operational within 24 hours, anywhere in the world.
Drinking water production cases

Drinking water for Abha Dam
Low-footprint drinking water plant providing 20,000 m³/day, situated near the Abha Dam city center.

Compact drinking water plant in Khemmiset
Doubling capacity to meet the demands of a growing population.

Drinking water for Tshikapa
Improving sanitary conditions for a population struck by poverty and migration
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Contact us today. We are looking forward to help you reach your sustainable development goals.